From 27 to 29 March, the members of Growing Media Europe AISBL met in Sint-Katelijne-Waver (Belgium) for the 2017 General Assembly. After the successful constitution of the association in November 2016 and the completion of the transition period, Growing Media Europe can now count 13 companies and 11 national associations from all over Europe as their members.
Throughout the meeting, discussions focused on the question of paving the way forward for an effective political interest representation of the European growing media industry. During a Strategy Workshop, the company members of Growing Media Europe AISBL engaged in determine overall objectives and defining priorities within the field of actions of the association. A respective document will be adopted by the members in the upcoming weeks and further information will be accessible on the website. Amongst other topics, participants discussed the ongoing legislative procedures on the "Fertilising Product Proposal" and on organic farming, both showcasing the enormous significance of a strong European lobby for growing media products. The national associations as well as the company members of Growing Media Europe strongly agreed on the crucial importance of commonly supporting the work of the Secretariat and on standing united in light of upcoming challenges.

As decided in November 2016, the General Assembly appointed two additional Board Members. Mrs Thanja van DONGEN (Managing Director of Livanu Kudras - Latvia) and Mr Jan ASTRUP, (Managing Director of Pindstrup Mosebrug - Denmark) were elected and will from now on strengthen the Board of Growing Media Europe.