Growing Media LCA
In 2019 Growing Media Europe partnered with Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk to develop the Growing Media Environmental Footprint (GMEF) guidelines, a public document that details how to calculate environmental footprints of growing media constituents and mixes using the EU PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) methodology. In 2023 the GMEF guidelines were used to create an online Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) platform, allowing for GME members and other stakeholders to measure the environmental footprint of growing media products.
Currently GME and Blonk have developed the platform to now consist of:
Growing Media Environmental Footprint (GMEF) guidelines - Publicly available here.
LCA database
LCA Tool - Online LCA platform to make environmental calculations, following GMEF guidelines
Connection to the entire crop production supply chain
The GMEF guidelines focus on the environmental footprint of growing media. However, growing media is at the beginning of a much larger plant production value chain. Therefore, alignment with downstream LCA projects, such as FloriPEFCR (cut flowers and potted plants) and FreshProducePEFCR (fruits and vegetables), is crucial to understanding the environmental impact of the entire supply chain. The methodologies of all LCAs should align where possible to ensure all sectors are using the same data.
Project to update the GMEF Guidelines
In 2023, GME began a project to update the GMEF guidelines. This project focuses on improving the guidelines using the most up to date science and feedback from the LCA tool users. The project is expected to be completed around June 2024. The updated guidelines will be published on the website. An update to the LCA tool and associated database will follow.
GME LCA leaflet
General information about the project, guidelines, tool and licensing can be found on the LCA Platform leaflet.
Contact for more information

Jixin Liu
Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk sustainability
For licensing of the tool

Geoffrey Bennett
Growing Media Europe​
For general enquiries